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Lionhead Campground Facilities

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.

For firewood, kindling, a canoe or a bag of ice, see the camphost.

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.

It is right at the entrance.

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.

I am sure I would visit this little store often.

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.

It was hot during our visit and the "Crunch Bar" hit the spot.

It was hot during our visit and the "Crunch Bar" hit the spot.

Drinking water and garbage dumpsters are available in several locations through out the campground.

Drinking water and garbage dumpsters are available in several locations through out the campground.

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.

The outhouses have lights but they are outhouses, not restrooms.

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.

I found this gray water dump.

Lionhead Campground review, part of Preist Lake State Park - Facilities.